14.5.2019: WORKSHOP "Cross Culture Communication - Study meeting with colleagues from Slovenia and other countries"
Hauptplatz 10
8490 Bad Radkersburg
Tel: 0316/738605
Web: http://www.musis.at/
In Kooperation mit MUSIS / gefördert von der Alpen-Adria-Allianz
Objective: Mutual understanding and features of intercultural communication. Exchange of experiences with cross culture communication in museums in Austria and Slovenia.
In the morning a workshop in Bad Radkersburg will enable the group to recognize, understand and handle cultural diversity in every days museum work. Challenges faced while dealing with migrants and refugees will be discussed.
The afternoon will take place in Gornja Radgona exchanging experiences about museum projects on both sides of the border and other countries and possibly getting ideas for new cross border projects.
- Know-how about intercultural communication
Exchange of experiences
Hetching ideas and cooperation potential
Trainer: Ümit Mares-Altinok, MAS, Kultur & Gut Unternehmensberatung, Wien
Place: Bad Radkersburg / Muzej Gornja Radgona
Date: Tuesday, 14th May 2019
Time: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Attention: Only 50 € (no futher reduction possible) zum Anmeldeformular >>>