25.05.2022: KUNSTRAUM STEIERMARK: Ausstellungseröffnung "THIN LINE" des Kulturverein oag
On Mai 25, 2022 the exhibition "Thin Line" curated by Kateryna Radchenko opens at OAG Studio in collaboration with SAMA Kollektiv, OAG Kulturverein and < rotor >.
The exhibition in Graz is organized and co-curated by Gregor Schlögl (SAMA Kollektiv) and Julia Lacina (OAG Kulturverein) in a partnership with the Odesa Photo Days. It's structured in such a way that among the photos of war and destruction one can find the pictures of much earlier periods taken in peaceful cities and towns.
"It is like our memory, where the moments of life before the war emerge, but then we look around and back to our reality, our ruined cities where people were killed in the streets", - says Kateryna Radchenko, curator, researcher of photography, founder of international festival of contemporary photography Odesa Photo Days.
On February 24, 2022 Russia started the full-scale war against Ukraine. Life there has changed inevitably: from daily routine to physical danger. Living under the fire, bombing and regular air raid sirens people of Ukraine walk on thin line between past and present, between mirage and reality.
25. Mai - 13. Juni 2022
im OAG Studio, Brückenkopfgasse 2, 8020 Graz
25. Mai Vernissage, come-together ab 18:30 Uhr, Eröffnung 19:00 Uhr, musikalische Begleitung von @aninneraffair bis open end.
OPEN DAYS: Fr 27.05. 16-20:00 Uhr / Mo 06.06. 17-20 Uhr/ Di 07.06. 14-20:00/ Do 09.06. 14-20:00/ Fr 10.06. 16-20:00/ SA 11.06. 17-20:00/ Mo 13.06. 14-20:00
31. Mai 2022, 18:30 Uhr: Talk with Curator and founder of the Odesa Photo Days < Kateryna Radchenko >, Ort: < rotor >
08. Juni 2022, 16:00-22:00 Uhr, Host of the Day im Volsgartenpavillion, organisiert vom < rotor >,Vorstellung der Ausstellung und Vernetzung/Austausch.